Association of Independent Living Groups

AILG Accreditation Review Report Submission Form



Enter the password for your Team Locker:

Enter the names and email addresses for those who should receive copies of the report. The first three names are required and must be the following alumni/ae officers as listed in the BDF, even if they were not at the review.

Please also include the Alumnus/a Chapter Advisor. You can get all of these names and addresses from the BDF in your locker. Then list additional recipients from the sign-in sheet, which is also in your locker.

(Aa-Zz, "-", and space only)
Required recipients (see above)
Other recipients

Add an additional email
Any row (after the first three required recipients) with either name or email blank will be ignored.

PDF Review Report

Does your report include section 3 (Process Improvement Suggestions)? Yes No